There’s a new concept emerging in the writing community that wasn’t on my radar a decade ago, and that is the notion of a sensitivity reader. Different from a beta reader–someone you find to read your work-in-progress for free, purely
Just Enough Rain
After a spring of record flooding, the summer has turned dry. Dust blows over the gravel roads to and from Girl Scout Camp. Farmers scan the sky, and my husband hauls out the hose to water the garden. We’ve left
So, agent #60 has passed on THE LIGHTED HEART, and 60 seems like a nice milestone at which to pause and reflect on my submission process. Actually, not all 60 have been agents. Three have been novel contests, one of
Reviews Redux: Extra Considerations
So far in this series, we’ve pondered why to write reviews, how to write reviews, and how to respond when your work is reviewed. The prevailing theme, as we’ve discussed, is to be professional and courteous, which sounds like good
How to Respond to Reviews
You did it! You wrote a thing, and you published it. It’s out there for the world to see. You want people to read it. You’re asking people to read it. You’ve sent all your favorite people free copies, hoping
How to Write a Book Review
In part one of this series, I discussed several reasons to write a book review, which boil down to one main reason: other readers (and the author, but primarily other readers) want to know what you think. There are ancillary