So far in this series, we’ve pondered why to write reviews, how to write reviews, and how to respond when your work is reviewed. The prevailing theme, as we’ve discussed, is to be professional and courteous, which sounds like good
How to Respond to Reviews
You did it! You wrote a thing, and you published it. It’s out there for the world to see. You want people to read it. You’re asking people to read it. You’ve sent all your favorite people free copies, hoping
Reviewing pt. 1: Why Do It
When I was sending out ARCs (advance reader copies) for The Necessaries, and as I think about review venues for the essay collection My Caesarean (forthcoming in May), I’m surprised by how many sharp, avid readers are shy about posting
The Necessaries and being near finals
It’s finals season, so I’ve been nutty for the past week: papers were rolling in, grade sheets were being updated hourly, and the flurry of emails from panicked and pleading students reached fever pitch. Today, I’m happy to pause and
The Workshop Life is the Life for Me
I got to talk with a bunch of wonderful writers at a recent workshop at the Midwest Writing Center in the Quad Cities on the subject of scenes and scene-writing, something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. Sitting at
Wrestling with Every Word: An Interview
I’m very pleased and humbled to be the featured writer over at Andilit, a site I’ve been following for a while and which yields excellent, thoughtful resources for writers. In a sea of people trying to make me rich so