First, you begin with something complete: a finished draft. Asymmetrical, maybe bruised, lined, scarred, imperfect, but whole. Recognizably a pumpkin. There is a beauty in regarding a pumpkin, but it does not yet have the expression you desire. It does
And yours truly plans to be there, as part of the opening act.
Women at the Table in Caxton’s History of Jason
One of my favorite medieval characters is Medea, the enchantress who helps Jason win the Golden Fleece, performs astonishing feats such as rejuvenating Jason’s aged father, and who is most memorably depicted as a wronged woman whose many treacheries are
Three Good Things
I. Workshop this weekend! I am looking forward to sharing some tips and tricks I’ve learned, and learning from the experience of other participants. There’s still time to sign up here. II. Book! I am delighted to announce that
Rejection, in Five Acts
I. What do you mean, you don’t want my story? There must be some kind of mistake. I was sure you would see what a superior story it is, how perfectly crafted, how beautiful in its pathos and longing. Did