My Muscatine writing group, Writers on the Avenue, has a writing exercise they’ve been doing for quite some time. (Years. Perhaps decades.) Members at a meeting generate a list of words–without looking at what others have suggested–and then, for the
Only Connect
There’s been a lot to celebrate in the writing life so far this November. Since I haven’t yet configured a newsletter that will charmingly organize all the things, I will merely list them. THE NECESSARIES is out in print on
Book Bums Nov. 4
Join a roster of terrific authors, marketing pros, and independent publishers at the 4th Annual Book Bums Writer’s Workshop to be held Saturday, November 4 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at West Liberty Public Library in West Liberty, IA.
Some thoughts on writing with research
I visited the Clinton Public Library last night to talk with some writers about using research in writing and, as always, I learned more from them than I think they learned from me. In no particular order of importance or
The Necessaries and being near finals
It’s finals season, so I’ve been nutty for the past week: papers were rolling in, grade sheets were being updated hourly, and the flurry of emails from panicked and pleading students reached fever pitch. Today, I’m happy to pause and
Show me the Why
Two Saturdays ago, I had the pleasure of joining a group of old friends and new at the Midwest Writing Center for a workshop called “Don’t Write For Free, Write for Profit!” led by journalist, ghostwriter, and publishing expert John