Wrestling with Every Word: An Interview

I’m very pleased and humbled to be the featured writer over at Andilit, a site I’ve been following for a while and which yields excellent, thoughtful resources for writers. In a sea of people trying to make me rich so they can get rich, Andi is focused on the nourishing, soulful aspects of writing, on how and why we make things grow. It’s refreshing and incredibly nurturing, and her questions and reflections often lead me to think further about what I do and why (and how) I do it, just as her interview questions did.

Not only am I impressed with the community she’s building and the resources she offers writers at Andilit.com, but she’s also building a project I’ve long contemplated doing myself. Her version is an organic farm in Virginia that is becoming a home to artistic and creative folks as well as growing plants and animals. Someday, along with my own press, I’m going to start my own writer’s retreat somewhere (hey–we haven’t yet sold our previous house, out there in central Illinois, very near a beautiful lake). Andi is giving me inspiration on how to do it. Here’s to growing things.

Wrestling with Every Word: An Interview

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