In part one of this series, I discussed several reasons to write a book review, which boil down to one main reason: other readers (and the author, but primarily other readers) want to know what you think. There are ancillary
Reviewing pt. 1: Why Do It
When I was sending out ARCs (advance reader copies) for The Necessaries, and as I think about review venues for the essay collection My Caesarean (forthcoming in May), I’m surprised by how many sharp, avid readers are shy about posting
Finding the Fit
I keep running into this word lately in my writing life: “fit.” Agents politely inform me that my novel is not the right fit for their list. (What, their list doesn’t have room for an intelligent, ambitious young woman from
Wild Fantasies
It’s a new year. Time to make resolutions, plans, and goals. Since thoughts create reality, and imagining something very specifically is said to bring it to life, I’m indulging in a sequence of wild and very specific fantasies around successfully
Only Connect
There’s been a lot to celebrate in the writing life so far this November. Since I haven’t yet configured a newsletter that will charmingly organize all the things, I will merely list them. THE NECESSARIES is out in print on
Writing Over vs. Overwrought
I recently had accepted for publication a story I’ve been sending out for 4 years and have been working on for far longer. So first and foremost, hooray for that. I won’t say where until the publisher confirms that they